
To ensure wellbeing we look at physical, spiritual, emotional and mental needs. Whilst you are in the Home a plan for your care needs will be developed by nursing and care staff in the Home. This plan will be regularly reviewed.

Named relatives and friends are encouraged to participate in a resident’s daily routine as far as is practicable and are always welcome to discuss the care routine with members of the care staff.

The Care Plan is reviewed at three levels:-

  • • Daily on a shift-to-shift basis. At staff shift changeover the resident’s daily care notes are handed on by the outgoing staff to the incoming staff and the resident’s responses and activity patterns are discussed as needed. Changes to the Care Plan may be proposed at this point.
  • • At the end of the six week trial period.
  • • Thereafter a formal review is held with nursing & care staff monthly.

All amendments to the Care Plan will be made by trained staff. Certain amendments can be made by the resident’s GP. All amendments to the Care Plan are recorded in full, with the resident and their next of kin are kept informed of any changes.